This section consists of three excellent, enthralling and stimulating spoken word pieces by LDJ and CM2Live including Is He + Evil and Suffering, Manuscript Tradition, and Resurrection. I have long dreamed of intersecting spoken word and apologetics together, and LDJ and CM2Live have masterfully composed and written pieces speaking to the hard questions such as, “If God is good, why is there evil and suffering in the world?” and “Is the New Testmament historically reliable?” and “Is the resurrection a hoax or history?” While we do not attempt to provide all the answers, our hope is that the presentation of credible resources and apologetics in a creative manner will compel you to research the case for Christ further individually and stir up your faith. Jesus asked his disciples once, “but who do you say that I am?” That is a question we all must answer for ourselves by faith. These spoken word pieces and choreography present apologetics from sources such as Evidence for Christianity by Josh McDowell, Know Why You Believe by K. Scott Oliphint and The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel.
Additionally, this section of Sat in a Boat presents “a play within a play” entitled, Script, with masterful structured improvisation by dancers Sarah Baker, Sarah Freeman and Elijah Richardson, directed by Rebecca D. Huang. The script and dialogue is conceived and composed by writer Emmanuel Lifschutlz. This dialogue is between three characters–the mind (concious thoughts), the heart (subconcious thoughts) and the voice of Truth (Spirit of God). It is a thought-provoking conversation exploring justice, the human experience of sin, the human experience of suffering, hope, gospel, wrestling with truth and eventually, the quest for holiness instead of demanding an answer to the question, “Why would a good god send people to hell?” We hope this section draws you in philosophically and intelligently. If you may be familiar with the story of Job in the Bible, he is a man that goes through incredible hardship, more than any of us in this room probably have faced, and when he demands an answer why from God, he isn’t met with something direct. Rather, Job accepts for just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so God’s ways are higher than his ways and God’s thoughts are higher than his thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). We must understand likewise.